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The boundary faults of faulted basins generally have segmental growth characteristics. Quantitative analysis of fault growth processes and combined models is of great significance for basin formation and evolution and hydrocarbon accumulation. Taking the Fulongquan fault depression in the southern part of the Songliao Basin as an example, using the 3D seismic data and using the fault-displacement length analysis method, the segmental growth and evolution process of the boundary fault is systematically studied, and the control effect of the spatial and temporal differential evolution of boundary faults on faulted basins is analyzed. The study shows that the segmental growth control of the boundary fault of Fulongquan fault depression forms a series of semi-mantle shoals; the sedimentary center of the Shahezi-Yingcheng fault is controlled to migrate from south to north; The slanting and thrusting activities control the height of the anticline trap; the transformation of the boundary fault property controls the evolution of the basin's tectonic pattern from the tandem semi-mantle to the faulted anticline.  相似文献   
以山洪灾害风险评价的多准则决策模型、最大熵模型、信息量模型三种常见模型为研究对象,选取河西走廊和张掖市为地理区划(大中)、市域(小)空间尺度研究区,构建山洪灾害风险评价指标体系,分别完成基于三种模型的两种空间尺度的山洪灾害风险评价制图,基于甘肃省地质灾害调查与区划报告数据从模型验证、空间自相关、精度对比和尺度效应等角度对比分析三个模型应用于不同空间尺度的适应性,并给出优选模型。结果表明:最大熵模型是河西走廊(地理区划)空间尺度上山洪灾害风险评价的优选模型;多准则决策模型不适用于张掖市(市域)空间尺度评价,且三个模型运行结果均没有河西走廊(地理区划)空间尺度上表现良好;三个模型的尺度效应明显,在地理区划空间尺度上应用较良好,缩小至市域空间尺度上模拟结果误差增大;不同空间尺度上,最大熵模型均优于多准则决策模型和信息量模型,适用于地理区划(大中)、市域(小)空间尺度的山洪灾害风险评价。  相似文献   
一维综合孔径微波辐射计能够有效提高观测的空间分辨率,其观测入射角通常在0°~55°范围内变化。为了开发适用于一维综合孔径微波辐射计的海面温度反演算法,需要评估其观测亮温对海洋大气环境要素的敏感性。利用海面发射率模型和大气辐射传输模型,构建了适用于一维综合孔径微波辐射计的微波海洋大气辐射传输模式,研究了C波段垂直和水平极化微波辐射亮温在不同入射角下对海洋大气环境要素的敏感性变化情况,并定量计算了相应的敏感系数。结果表明:垂直和水平极化亮温对海洋大气环境要素的敏感性表现出不同的特性。随着入射角的增大,垂直极化亮温对海面温度的敏感性增强,对海面风场的敏感性相对减弱;水平极化亮温则相反。由大气水汽含量和云液态水含量误差引入的垂直和水平极化亮温误差随入射角增大而增大,但是,即使在55°的大入射角下垂直和水平极化亮温误差仍小于0.12 K。对于海面温度反演精度优于1 K的要求,一维综合孔径微波辐射计的测温精度需优于0.6 K。研究结果对于一维综合孔径微波辐射计海面温度反演算法的研究和载荷设计具有一定的理论指导意义。  相似文献   
目的:观察龙胆祛湿汤加减联合海棠丁香凝胶治疗亚急性湿疹(湿热蕴肤型)的临床疗效。方法:将76例亚急性湿疹(湿热蕴肤型)患者随机分为治疗组36例与对照组40例。治疗组采用龙胆祛湿汤加减联合海棠丁香凝胶治疗,对照组采用盐酸左西替利嗪治疗。观察2组治疗前后症状体征评分,评定临床疗效。结果:总有效率治疗组为97.22%,对照组为82.50%,组间比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:龙胆祛湿汤加减联合海棠丁香凝胶治疗亚急性湿疹(湿热蕴肤型)的临床疗效优于盐酸左西替利嗪治疗,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   
朱磊  杨燕雄  杨雯  房克照 《海洋通报》2019,38(1):102-14
研究养护海滩对风暴潮的响应过程在人工养滩工程设计与施工中具有重要意义。老龙头养护海滩在竣工半个月后遭遇“803”风暴潮,导致岸滩滩肩最大蚀退 6.5 m,沙坝坝顶最大下蚀 1.2 m。在现场测量的基础上,利用 XBeach 建立风暴潮过程 的老龙头海滩海床演变模型,研究结果表明: (1) XBeach 模拟结果与实际地形变化侵淤趋势一致,风暴潮期间人工沙坝均向岸移动,但模拟结果的侵蚀程度更大,海滩响应更加剧烈; (2) 强浪条件下人工沙坝的透射系数为 0.29~0.42,常浪条件下透射系数为 0.45~0.95,因而人工沙坝在大浪条件下掩护作用更佳; (3) 风暴潮期间人工沙坝附近破波显著,坝顶流速明显增大,最大可达 1.21 m/s,是无人工沙坝情况下的 2.3 倍,而在人工沙坝向岸侧,因波能提前耗散,流速减为 0.28 m/s,是无人工沙坝时的 0.4 倍,且没有产生离岸流。老龙头养护工程整体泥沙损失较少,易于恢复.  相似文献   
随着砂岩型铀矿找矿工作的进一步开展,其对以往钻孔资料集成应用的需求尤为迫切。在煤田钻孔资料“二次开发利用”和“煤铀兼探”新方法、新思路的指导下,通过采集东胜地区钻孔资料属性数据,按照统一的标准和要求,将煤田、铀矿等类型的重要钻孔资料,通过整理、扫描、数据类型转换、录入和集成,建成了东胜地区侏罗系—白垩系综合钻孔数据库,实现了对多源钻孔数据的统一管理。该数据库共包含3个Access数据库和相应的成果图件。每个Access数据库均包含钻孔基本信息表、综合柱状分层表、岩性描述分层表、地层名称及代号表、地层颜色表、测井曲线数据表、测井曲线配置表和钻孔弯曲度测量数据表等8张数据表,分别详细记录了地质编录岩性信息、地层分层信息、岩石颜色信息、测井曲线信息、水文分层信息、钻孔样品采样信息、弯曲度测量信息等。通过应用实践,该钻孔数据库成果可实现连井剖面、含煤含铀目的层的顶底板标高、地层等厚图、砂体等厚图及含砂率图等重要基础地质图件的快速生成,从而提高数据的使用效率并为铀矿勘查及研究工作提供重要数据基础。  相似文献   
The accurate and precise determination of Li isotopic composition by MC‐ICP‐MS suffers from the poor performance of traditional column chromatography. Previously established chromatographic processes cannot completely remove Na in complex geological samples, which is currently interpreted to be a result of Na breakthrough. In this study, Na breakthrough during single‐column purification was found to differ between simply artificial Na‐containing sample solutions, where a little Na residue was found, and silicate rocks, where a large amount of breakthrough occurred. A revised two‐step column purification for Li using 0.5 and 0.3 mol l?1 HCl as eluents was designed to remove the Na. This modified method achieves high‐efficiency Li purification from Na and consequently avoiding high Na/Li ratio interference for subsequent MC‐ICP‐MS analyses. The proposed method was validated by the analysis of a series of reference materials, including Li2CO3 (IRMM‐016, ‐0.10‰), basalt (BCR‐2: 2.68‰; BHVO‐2: 4.39‰), andesite (AGV‐2: 6.46‰; RGM‐2: 2.59‰), granodiorite (GSP‐2: ?0.87‰) and seawater (CASS‐5, 30.88‰). This work reports early Na appearance prior to the elution curves in chromatography and emphasises its influence for subsequent Li isotope measurement. Based on the findings, the established two‐step method would be more secure than single‐column chemistry for Li purification.  相似文献   
对2018年8月秦皇岛风暴潮期间3个入海口岸基站及邻近海域浮标的监测数据进行分析,结果显示:风暴潮导致入海口水体中COD、总磷、总氮和氨氮含量均明显升高;风暴潮2 d之后,3个入海口邻近海域均发生赤潮,此次赤潮的发生与风暴潮导致陆源入海污染物骤然大幅升高有关。此次风暴潮导致秦皇岛人造河口、大蒲河口和七里海3个岸基监测站的COD监测日均值最高分别达到15.83 mg/L、8.70 mg/L和7.92 mg/L,约升高至前期的2倍、1.5倍和2倍;人造河口总氮变化不大,大蒲河口和七里海总氮升高30%左右;大蒲河口总磷变化不大,人造河口总磷为前期的3.5倍,升高幅度最大,七里海总磷为风暴潮之前两日的2倍,但未超过前一周的最高浓度;风暴潮当天及第二天,人造河口、大蒲河口、七里海氨氮日均值陆续达到最高,分别为2.34 mg/L、1.11 mg/L和0.12 mg/L,分别为风暴潮前两日的7倍、3.5倍和10倍。风暴潮过后,入海口临近海域发生赤潮,浮标监测到叶绿素a最高值为76.4μg/L,pH和溶解氧也大幅升高。分析表明,此次风暴潮导致的入海口污染物突然大幅升高为风暴潮之后的赤潮发生提供了充足的营养基础。  相似文献   
目的:研究依达拉奉联合中成药制剂对急性脑梗死大鼠的疗效比较和安全性评价。方法:将SD大鼠随机分为假手术组、模型组、依达拉奉联合丹红注射液组(A组)、依达拉奉联合血塞通冻干组(B组)、依达拉奉联合醒脑静组(C组)、依达拉奉联合疏血通注射液组(D组),采用线栓法制作大鼠左侧大脑中动脉脑缺血(MCAO)模型,除假手术组外,每组按不同时间点(1、3、5、7d)分为4个亚组,术后各组腹腔注射相应药物,1次/d,分别连续给药1、3、5、7d,模型组、假手术组予以等体积0.9%氯化钠注射液灌胃,观察比较各组大鼠各时间点神经功能缺损评分、脑组织水含量、脑组织梗死体积、安全性评价指标等。结果:模型组与假手术组各时间点的神经功能缺损评分、脑组织水含量、脑组织梗死体积及安全性评价指标中WBC计数、APTT时间比较,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.01);与模型组比较,A、B、C、D组各时间点的神经功能缺损评分及3、5、7d脑组织水含量、脑梗死体积及安全性评价指标中白细胞(WBC)计数、活化部分凝血酶原(APTT)时间均降低,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01)。结论:依达拉奉联合中成药制剂治疗急性脑梗死大鼠疗效显著、可靠安全,并且随治疗时间延长,对缺血缺氧神经元的改善作用越明显。  相似文献   
Global helium(He) shortage is a challenging problem; however, the types of helium source rock and the mechanisms of He generation and release therein remain still poorly understood. In this study, in order to evaluate the potential of granite as an effective helium source rock, we collected granitic samples from the North Qinling Orogen, Central China, in the south of the helium-rich Weihe Basin. The helium generation and release behaviors in granite were studied through analysis of U and Th concentrations, EMPA images, and He and Ar concentrations and isotopic ratios extracted by crushing and stepwise heating. The results indicate that Ar has a better retention and a lower mobility than He. 3 He/4 He ratios released by crushing and stepwise heating are 0.016–0.056 RA and 0.003–0.572 RA, respectively, where RA is the atmospheric 3 He/4 He of 1.4×10-6, reflecting a crustal and radiogenic source. Helium concentrations extracted by the two ways are 0.13–0.95 ucm3 STP/g and 7.82–115.62 ucm3 STP/g, respectively, suggesting that matrix-sited He accounts for more than 98% of total helium preserved in granite. In addition, the total generated He amounts in granites are calculated based on the measured U and Th concentrations in granitic samples. Dividing the preserved He quantities by the generated He amounts, it turned out that less than 10% of He produced since the formation of the granite is preserved in the rock over geological time, suggesting that more than 90% generated He can be transferred to the Weihe Basin. Temperature and fracture are the two critical factors controlling He release. Based on the relationship between He diffusivity of granites and temperature and the He closure temperatures of a variety of U-and Th-rich minerals(27–250°C), we estimate that He can be partially released out of granite at the depths 400 m and totally released at the depths 7800 m. Fractures provide effective transfer of free He from deep source rocks to shallow reservoirs. Finally, a model on granite as an effective helium source rock is established. We suggest exploring He resources in hydrocarbon basins with granitic basement(or adjacent to granite bodies), high geothermal field, and young active fractures.  相似文献   
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